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Boe bow Lost Dog Male Chihuahua REWARD


Boe bow

BREED: Chihuahua

COLOR: Brown

SEX: Male

AGE: Senior (10+ years)

ALTERED: Unaltered

COLLAR/HALTER: Yes Black cat harnes,, and a brown sweater turtle neck



OTHER IDENTIFYING MARKS: 1 snagle tooth extremely skinny two different size eyes

DATE LOST OR FOUND: 03/01/2025

LOCATION: Sherwood way. Also spotted my Walmart market on Sherwood by El patio San Angelo, Texas 76904

COMMENTS: Just started to nurse him back he is a rescue pet. His previous owners were not properly caring for him. , he's the sweetest dog I could ever ask for he is my everything taking care of him and nursing him back to as bad as closer than ever my daughter was walking him and she took him off to leave for just a hot second. I'm waiting scared of them and I really need him to come home I need him as much as he needs me with his poor health and he needs to continue supplements that they continue to gain weight.


PRIMARY PHONE: (325) 939-1159

SECONDARY PHONE: (325) 245-6677

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